sábado, 12 de febrero de 2022

Find your NEW MESSAGE sent by Mrs. Jerri Cianflone

I'm s͌o sorry pussy master
i'̛m loo͟king for a f#cָkbͤu̡ddy. what do u look like? i'͈m 5͞'9 wٍith big nͭatura͕l b٘00b͙s an̅d a ti̭g͞ht lil pu$͞$y that just cͣravًes c#ّck.. what r u loo͚kiٗng for in a gٜ1rl? u can cheͅck m͕e o֯ut her̢e ! *֕I hope you like my pictures* ))
My scrٗeenname iٞs Jerri
C u later!
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