viernes, 10 de julio de 2009


Encontre estos hermosos trabajos en la web y quiero compartirlos con todas ustedes
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3 comentarios:

Anna dijo...

Preciosos estos cojines , con tu permiso me bajo los moldes para poder hacerlos , muchisimas garcias .

Un abrazo , Anna

Mila dijo...

Love those cushions and beautiful the stitchery tecnique! I adore it!
Have a great week Carola :)
Mila :)

HerzBlatt dijo...

Hello Carola,
have seen you as a regular reader on my blog...Your blog is so wonderful, I love all the children clothes you show and the stitcheries!!
I have seen all the Tilda blogs on your will take ages to watch them all but I`ll try!!
Best wishes from Germany

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