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viernes, 24 de julio de 2020
Dear nickel20.febrero,
We are interested in your Products which you displayed in the site and we want to purchase some of the products.
Please send us more information about your company for our ref. with your conditions and terms as below,
*Delivery time
*Payment term ( LC or TT )
*Minimum order quantity
Best Regards
Peter Kim
(Export Manager)
A.74, Hyeomnyeok-ro, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do,
Republic of Korea.
Email: exportkhoto@yahoo.com
martes, 21 de julio de 2020
Dear nickel20.febrero,
We are interested in your Products which you displayed in the site and we want to purchase some of the products.
Please send us more information about your company for our ref. with your conditions and terms as below,
*Delivery time
*Payment term ( LC or TT )
*Minimum order quantity
Best Regards
Peter Kim
(Export Manager)
A.74, Hyeomnyeok-ro , Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do,
Republic of Korea.
Email: exportkhoto@yahoo.com
domingo, 19 de julio de 2020
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jueves, 16 de julio de 2020
Trojan Virusをご使用されると、私はあなたのコンピュータやその他のデバイスを完全にアクセスおよび制御できるのです。
私のビットコインのアドレス(BTC Wallet) は: 16FxYZcPwNzJC4SGyw6j99ztAB1Ni3deea
martes, 14 de julio de 2020
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lunes, 13 de julio de 2020
入侵您的帐户时,您的密码是: febrero2
如果您不想发生这样的事情的话, 那么就请将价值1500美金的比特币汇入我的比特币账户(如果您不知道如何操作的话,只需在谷歌上搜索:“购买比特币”)。
我的比特币账户信息(比特币钱包)为: 1PBjmc8BGsaPiDPeHT8Ut3k5ZD7AKTbVY6
请在50个小时(超过2天)内完成付款。 在您看到这封邮件后,我会立即收到一个提示,而50个小时的倒数计时也将开始。
sábado, 4 de julio de 2020
Letter Of Intent
Attention nickel20.febrero,
I am Mr. Colin Brent, the newly appointed Head of Operations, HSBC BANK, North Towers Branch, Bangkok, Thailand. I was promoted to this exalted position some Four Months ago.
Following the ongoing debt settlement program by HSBC BANK, in my position as the overall head of operations I requested all the directors from their various departments at HSBC BANK to notify beneficiaries whose payments are still pending to have their payment files scrutinized for immediate payment.
Your payment files number HSBC-WBSSC/0177/18, is among the files in my Office for payment process. I have gone through your payment files to discover that you had made several attempts to claim your payment, but unfortunately there are always hitches on the process.
I also discovered that over 80% of the beneficiaries waiting for their payment are having the same problem, mostly financial backup to claim their inherited funds. To have this situation resolved, we have approved two ways to amicably settle this debts matter.
For those who are not able to afford the financial requirements claiming their funds, the authorities of HSBC BANK Thailand, have decided to provide them with affordable means to resolve their long overdue payment.
If you can not be able to afford the cost of processing your payment, the authority of HSBC BANK, will provide you a reasonable opportunity and privilege to resolve this long over payment matters.
The way out is for the authorities of HSBC BANK, to release 50% of your total payment sum to you without you paying the bank charges, then when you received your funds into your home bank account, as soon as you confirmed the first 50% of your long overdue payment, it is only when you received 50% of your money you will pay all the bank charges to HSBC BANK, then the remaining of your money will be released pay and transfer to your account without further delays .
With this arrangement I must let you know that you will issue the authorities of HSBC BANK, a promissory letter to promise and assure HSBC BANK that you will pay all the accrued bank charges when you must have received 50% of your entire payment sum. Be reminded that your promissory letter must be stamped at the Oath commissioner's office accordingly and you will be responsible for the little amount.
I am contacting you through my personal email address and I do not have any personal interest than assisting you to accomplish your aims.
If this is okay with you I want you to get back to me to open official communication with you.
Reply: brentmrcolin@gmail.com
Mr.Colin Brent
Head Of Operations
HSBC BANK, North Towers Branch. Bangkok, Thailand.
Tel:- +66 871268403
viernes, 3 de julio de 2020
Letter Of Intent
Attention nickel20.febrero,
I am Mr. Colin Brent, the newly appointed Head of Operations, HSBC BANK, North Towers Branch, Bangkok, Thailand. I was promoted to this exalted position some Four Months ago.
Following the ongoing debt settlement program by HSBC BANK, in my position as the overall head of operations I requested all the directors from their various departments at HSBC BANK to notify beneficiaries whose payments are still pending to have their payment files scrutinized for immediate payment.
Your payment files number HSBC-WBSSC/0177/18, is among the files in my Office for payment process. I have gone through your payment files to discover that you had made several attempts to claim your payment, but unfortunately there are always hitches on the process.
I also discovered that over 80% of the beneficiaries waiting for their payment are having the same problem, mostly financial backup to claim their inherited funds. To have this situation resolved, we have approved two ways to amicably settle this debts matter.
For those who are not able to afford the financial requirements claiming their funds, the authorities of HSBC BANK Thailand, have decided to provide them with affordable means to resolve their long overdue payment.
If you can not be able to afford the cost of processing your payment, the authority of HSBC BANK, will provide you a reasonable opportunity and privilege to resolve this long over payment matters.
The way out is for the authorities of HSBC BANK, to release 50% of your total payment sum to you without you paying the bank charges, then when you received your funds into your home bank account, as soon as you confirmed the first 50% of your long overdue payment, it is only when you received 50% of your money you will pay all the bank charges to HSBC BANK, then the remaining of your money will be released pay and transfer to your account without further delays .
With this arrangement I must let you know that you will issue the authorities of HSBC BANK, a promissory letter to promise and assure HSBC BANK that you will pay all the accrued bank charges when you must have received 50% of your entire payment sum. Be reminded that your promissory letter must be stamped at the Oath commissioner's office accordingly and you will be responsible for the little amount.
I am contacting you through my personal email address and I do not have any personal interest than assisting you to accomplish your aims.
If this is okay with you I want you to get back to me to open official communication with you.
Reply: brentmrcolin@gmail.com
Mr.Colin Brent
Head Of Operations
HSBC BANK, North Towers Branch. Bangkok, Thailand.
Tel:- +66 871268403
Investment Proposal
Dear nickel20.febrero,
I am Shwe Aung with due respect and regard, am writing this proposal to become my foreign partner for upcoming business venture in your country.
Consider investing in any project because i have already made a lot of fund for it, and will continue doing so in the coming years. In case you have any question you can ask.
In this channel which I want to invest are Estate developer, Construction company, Hospital, Hotel Management, Tourism, Import & Export, Sports, Shopping mall, Agriculture & Transportation. Maybe in other investment which you can introduce as my partner. I wait your reply for more in details:
Mrs Shwe Aung
miércoles, 1 de julio de 2020
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This is important information for ýou!
Some months ago I hacked ýour OS and got fuĺĺ access to ýour account nickel20.febrero@blogger.com
On daý of hack ýour account nickel20.febrero@blogger.com has password: [see the subject]
So, ýou can change the password, ýes.. Or aĺreadý changed... But mý maĺware intercepts it everý time.
How I made it:
In the software of the router, through which ýou went onĺine, was a vuĺnerabiĺitý. I used it...
If ýou interested ýou can read about it: (CVE-2019-1912 - a criticaĺ vuĺnerabiĺitý in the web-based management interface of the Cisco routers.
I just hacked this router and pĺaced mý maĺicious code on it.
When ýou went onĺine, mý trojan was instaĺĺed on the OS of ýour device.
After that, I made a fuĺĺ backup of ýour disk (I have aĺĺ ýour address book, historý of viewing sites, aĺĺ fiĺes, phone numbers and addresses of aĺĺ ýour contacts).
A month ago, I wanted to ĺock ýour device and ask for a not big amount of btc to unĺock.
But I ĺooked at the sites that ýou reguĺarĺý visit, and I was shocked bý what I saw!!!
I'm taĺk ýou about sites for aduĺts.
I want to saý - ýou are a BIG pervert. ýour fantasý is shifted far awaý from the normaĺ course!
And I got an idea....
I made a screenshot of the aduĺt sites where ýou have fun (do ýou understand what it is about, right..?).
After that, I made a screenshot of ýour masturbation (using the camera of ýour device) and gĺued them together.
Turned out amažing! ýou are so spectacuĺar!
I'm know that ýou wouĺd not ĺike to show these screenshots to ýour friends, reĺatives or coĺĺeagues.
I think $1250 is a verý, verý smaĺĺ amount for mý siĺence.
Besides, I have been spýing on ýou for so ĺong, having spent a ĺot of time!
Paý ONĺý in Bitcoins!
Mý BTC waĺĺet: 1GYKeSn41dEXJL1SuZPUGxXF5fgrbMcReT
You do not know how to use bitcoins?
Enter a querý in aný search engine: "how to repĺenish btc waĺĺet".
It's extremeĺý easý
For this paýment I give ýou two daýs (48 hours).
As soon as this ĺetter is opened, the timer wiĺĺ work.
After paýment, mý virus and dirtý screenshots with ýour enjoýs wiĺĺ be seĺf-destruct automaticaĺĺý.
If I do not receive from ýou the specified amount, then ýour device wiĺĺ be ĺocked, and aĺĺ ýour contacts wiĺĺ receive a screenshots with ýour "enjoýs".
I hope ýou understand ýour situation.
- Do not trý to find and destroý mý virus! (Aĺĺ ýour data, fiĺes and screenshots is aĺreadý upĺoaded to a remote server)
- Do not trý to contact me (this is impossibĺe, sender's address was randomĺý generated)
- Various securitý services wiĺĺ not heĺp ýou; formatting a disk or destroýing a device wiĺĺ not heĺp, since ýour data is aĺreadý on a remote server.
P.S. You are not mý singĺe victim. so, I guarantee ýou that I wiĺĺ not disturb ýou again after paýment!
This is the word of honor hacker
I aĺso ask ýou to reguĺarĺý update ýour antiviruses in the future. This waý ýou wiĺĺ no ĺonger faĺĺ into a simiĺar situation.
Do not hoĺd eviĺ! I just good do mý job.
Good ĺuck.

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